Saturday, April 11, 2009

"king lemur"

King L. lives in the fire lemur territory
He lives
in a giant tree house with a wife and two children.

they are very happy!!!

the end.

The Shoe that could talk

Once there was a shoe that could talk. The shoe was very dumb so,
he never gradguated from preschool (heehee). When he was fifty he was in kindergarten, when he was in first grade he was fifty-nine.
and thats the stoey of Hueh Shoe!

the end.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Types of Lemur Island Lemurs


Common Lemurs Fruit Lemur Poison Lemur Lava lemur Rock Lemur Sky Lemur
Snow Lemur Glo Lemur

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Bear by LI'L Nugget


Friday, April 4, 2008

color with blue;red;green and yellow

blue blue berry sky water bluebird robins egg blue red sunset tomato apple fish blood red green garden stem pepper lime fish water green yellow duck duckling chic banana yellow

Lemur to English Dictionary


Che - Fire
Che-Che - Fireproof
Blo - Cloud
Blo Ahn - Cloudy Day
Ahn - Day
Owno - Up
Douo - Down
Ownodouo - Mountain
Eeko - I'm Scared
Ee - Me
Ah - I
Ko - Scared
Ooh - You
Gar - Grass
Tee - Tree

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The 000000000000.1 True story of Little Red Riding Hood

The 00000000000000.1 True story of Little Red Riding Hood By LI'L Nugget

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood.
She was walking down the road when who could pop out but the Girl Scouts of
America! She was so surprised that she fell into the lake and was kidnapped
by a starfish for a ransom of half a penny and a 27% tip. She lived unpredictably
ever after.