Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The 000000000000.1 True story of Little Red Riding Hood

The 00000000000000.1 True story of Little Red Riding Hood By LI'L Nugget

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood.
She was walking down the road when who could pop out but the Girl Scouts of
America! She was so surprised that she fell into the lake and was kidnapped
by a starfish for a ransom of half a penny and a 27% tip. She lived unpredictably
ever after.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Lou's Brunch

Lou's Brunch

By E-Z Fry

The bear is going to the store to get bread,butter and berries
The bears name is Lou. Lou likes bread,butter, berries,cheese,
cherries and cherry tomatoes.The next day Lou went to the store
and he got cherries,cheese and cherry tomatoes. Then he let Goat
and Lou's new friends Ely and Cat come to his house to have brunch.

Dear Ely,Cat and Goat,
come to brunch on Sunday
at 12:00 PM
eat a lite breakfast


When Goat,Cat and Ely came they were greeted
by a .......


Ely gasped in excitement
Cat meowed for joy
and Goat he just stood there.
Lou said...


and they did.